so you seek unavailable lovers?

Let me put it straight.
Being attracted to those unavailable to you is not acceptable. It is not helping you!

It might be hot as a fantasy to desire what you can’t have. But in reality is much complex than that.

Have you ever fallen in love with people who weren’t committing to you.. and still believing they will do (although you knew deep down they won’t)?

Have you ever stayed in a relationship with a person who didn’t respect you, values you, loved you the way you need to be loved?

This both are two faces of the same coin: they are unavailable to date you or to fully commit to you.

That is a deep wound. And your responsibility to get out of there!

We tent to look for what we think we deserve.

This usually roots back in low self esteem and lack of respect towards yourself.

The goal to change is to become aware of your incredible self worth and your uniqueness as a human.

To become so strong in what you want and desire and DESERVE that you say NO to anything that isn’t that.

Practical things you can do:

- Write a letter to yourself as written by your dream partner. Make sure you write all the amazing things you love about yourself! Read it everyday.
- Ask your friends to tell you all the things they like about you.
- Practice self-reflection
- Journal every-time you have negative feelings about yourself
- Question every belief you have of yourself.
- Change the toxic unhelpful thoughts for two good ones every-time you catch yourself thinking them.
- Write a new affirmation about you every day before getting out of the house. Carry it in your pocket.
- Do therapy to uncover your trauma/wounds.


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