vulnerable & strong
Let’s get clear on something:
Being open hearted & being vulnerable ARE THE SAME THING.
Once you open you heart (which is a practice that takes time to master), you heart doesn’t have a shielf of protection anymore: it is vulnerable to being hurt. But is also vulnerable to being ecstatic.
And also:
Being vulnerable & being strong ARE THE SAME THING.
Once you choose to stay open no matter the pain or the joy you experience.. you are being your strongest yet.
Nothing requires more strength and bravery than choosing to keep your heart open when life hurts you. Nothing.
Standing in your power means you know yourself, you are responsible for your emotions, you are independent, strong & powerful AND YET YOU ARE VULNERABLE.
You let things affect you, you let things hurt you, you let people get to your heart.
A strong human will say “Yes, I fucked up when I acted like this. I was feeling this and that… and it was no reason to do that to you. I am trully sorry. I was acting out of resentment. Please forgive me. How can we create connection again?”
Honest, vulnerable, pro-active. Admitting the truth without guilt. Asking for a way to re-connect rather than pulling away in closed hearted ness.